posted by Custom Coatings, Inc. on February 4th, 2020

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A Property Owner’s Guide to Commercial Concrete Floor Coating

Concrete Polishing | Floor Coatings

Whether you have a warehouse, a garage, or even a basement that needs coating, there’s no shortage of options available.

Concrete flooring is the best flooring option when it comes to industrial use. You can change your concrete flooring to fit your specific needs as well as count on it lasting.

So, how should you go about commercial concrete floor coating?

Keep reading to learn the benefits of concrete flooring, how to choose a coating, and what your options are!

The Benefits of Having Concrete Flooring

Before we talk about your options for floor coatings, what are the benefits of having a concrete floor?

Easy to Maintain

Concrete flooring is one of the easiest materials to keep clean.

While you do need to take time every few months to wax or seal the surface, maintenance is pretty minimal. You can also get away with using a multi-purpose floor cleaner on your concrete flooring.

Depending on the amount of use your floor gets, you can wait a long time between seals and waxes. If there’s a lot of traffic on your floor you’ll need to have it done more often, however, less use gives you a lot of time between maintenance projects.


Concrete is one of the strongest flooring types.

You can store large vehicles, equipment, and heavy crates on it without an issue. Plus, it takes a lot for something to damage or break down a concrete floor. It’s nearly impossible for you to crack or chip your concrete flooring.

It Can be Environmentally Friendly

If you pull another type of flooring up, you’ll often find that there’s a layer of concrete underneath it.

So, rather than using materials and equipment to install concrete flooring, you’re just un-installing the floor that was previously there. This cuts down on waste and emissions.

Long Life

Concrete flooring that’s sealed correctly can last for decades.

Because concrete flooring is so durable, you can expect to get a long life out of it. Even if you’re space is incredibly high-traffic, you can feel confident in your concrete flooring. Your concrete flooring can handle any amount of traffic, heavy equipment, and heaps of materials.


While concrete flooring is a great choice for your commercial uses, it’s understandable that you may decide to put another flooring over it.

If you get tired of having concrete flooring it’s not difficult to put another type of flooring over it. Plus, there are tons of coatings and additions that can change the look of your concrete floor.

Choosing Your Commercial Concrete Floor Coating

You’ll want to take certain aspects of your concrete flooring into consideration as you choose a coating and get ready to install it. Here are a few of them.

What is Your Surface Like?

Before you can start applying any coating, you’ll need to examine the surface.

Check for any structural issues as well as any materials that may make laying down the coating problematic. The surface should be clean and free of any foreign materials. For the most even coating, your surface must be clean.

Also, check for any nicks and cracks that may make the coating look uneven. It’s recommended that you treat any little blemishes on the floor before you try to coat it.

How does your surface need to be prepped? Preparation is one of the most important steps of the installation process. How you need to prep your surface will depend on the surface itself. A lot of the prep work also depends on the coating thickness.

What Are You Using the Floor For?

Flooring takes more abuse than probably any other component in your commercial building.

Your concrete flooring really can take a beating, so you’ll want to factor in the building’s use before making a selection. For example, if you frequently drop chemicals on the ground you’ll want to find a chemical-resistant coating.

If you have equipment that’s strong and leaves evidence of this on your floors, you’ll want to get long-term coating.

What is Your Budget?

Your budget is the first thing that you’ll want to consider before you choose a coating for your concrete flooring.

While the most durable floor-coating options are typically the most expensive, not everyone can pay for these. Weigh your budget to try and find the most durable coating that’s in your price range.

What Kinds of Floor Coatings Do You Have to Choose From?

Now that you know what to consider while choosing a coating, what are your options?

Concrete Floor Paint

Concrete floor paint is a simple, one-coat option with a satin finish.

Use this to avoid stains and damage, or to change your floor color.

Epoxy Floor Coating

Epoxy concrete coating is installed in two parts.

Epoxy concrete coating is also very resistant against acid, wear and tear, grease and oil stains, chemical spills, and other marks. Epoxy floor coating offers a finish that’s aesthetically pleasing.

Anti-Skid Additions

If you’ve chosen your coating, you may be interested in some of the additives available.

One additive that you can buy for your coating is an anti-skid additive. This prevents slips from mud, snow, or oil on your floor. This is a good idea to get if you live with older people, or if your space often gets wet.

Tint Additions

There are even additives for cosmetic aspects of your coating.

If you want a metallic sheen, add a tint to your coating. You can also add paint chips for a varied surface look.

Which Coating is Right for You?

With so many different types of coating and uses, it’s important to create a plan that fits your needs.

When it comes to commercial concrete floor coating, you can personalize your coating by type, finish, and additives. To have your concrete floor coated, contact Custom Coatings by calling 828-326-0953 today!



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