posted by Custom Coatings, Inc. on April 26th, 2018

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Keep Up With Shopping Center Appearance Means Keeping Business

Commercial painting | industrial painting experts | industrial painting services

Most every business owner considers what attracts their customers to enter their store or visit their strip mall and how they can best influence this. They debate on and test out sales posters or vinyl in the window, the design of the store name and logo and whether or not it is any more than that. To many business or strip mall owners, it is not necessarily a surprise that a well-maintained façade of a commercial or retail space can attract more business than a neglected one, but often this very important aspect of a business is overlooked or not considered in the budget on an annual basis.

Changing the exterior of a building either structurally, by making repairs, or even repainting can not only motivate other businesses in the area to do the same, but increase sales for the year after the renovation was done, improve sales for several years, attract new shoppers to the area and rejuvenate the local economy. There are connections between the outside aesthetics of a business and how many customers it attracted. Though the outside look of a store pulled more customers inside, it was also the inside look and experience within the store that generated even more revenue than the increased foot traffic alone. Though renovating anything can be expensive, there are numerous possibilities to pay for these improvements. Regardless of how the renovations are paid for, it is important to recognize the importance of exterior being the first thing a customer or potential customer sees. If you cannot afford an entire renovation or the landlord doesn’t offer any financial assistance, then one great first step to invest in is to repaint the exterior of the building front.

This effective change a business owner of repainting the outside of their building is always best executed by an industrial painting services company. Your business needs experienced painters to help you not only complete a beautiful aesthetic, but help the owner choose the proper colors. Different paint colors will attract different customers for different reasons. This has been Custom Coatings, Inc. specialty for nearly 30 years.

One strip mall Custom Coatings recently worked with their client to complete has an overall white base coat as a primary color rather than the off-white color it once had. The main entrance along with several of the store signs were changed from bright red to burgundy, which conveys luxury and refined things. Half of the building’s tiered roof was changed from a sunglass-necessitating shade of bright blue to a smooth slate gray by the Custom Coatings team, chosen for its subconscious drama and sophisticated appeal to the project. The other half of the tiered roof was painted green which can convey eco-friendly thoughts, or those of wealth. The main entrances and architectural designs were also painted burgundy with white lines and circles once left empty were painted in shades of gray to create contrast and visual appeal.


All-in-all, building that once looked disjointed and incomplete was repainted to now look like a sophisticated, professional and clean one-story shopping mall. When was the last time you spruced up your business? When was the last time you made this kind of investment into attracting more customers? If it has been a while and you’re considering what investments you can make in your retail or commercial building space to draw in more customers, then contact the industrial painting experts at Custom Coatings.

Once you decide to renovate, even if you don’t know what colors to pick or how the look of your business could be improved, that’s been industrial painting/services company Custom Coatings, Inc.’s specialty for nearly 30 years in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee. Started as a family business, or 27 years this team has dedicated and honed their skills not only at painting commercial, retail, corporate, government and residential buildings of all shapes and sizes, but to knowing what particular colors and designs will help pull a design together and compliment a building’s current architecture.

Taking a business and transforming it in a relatively short period of time is an area of expertise for Custom Coatings. And once you are happy with the outside renovations and you start to see more foot traffic in your retail or commercial building space, then it will be easy to start the inside renovations with resurfacing of the walls, columns, trim and flooring with an industrial painting services company, like Custom Coatings in your rolodex.  Custom Coatings is also an experience industrial painting company with interiors as well as exteriors; power washes; seals roofs and floors; waterproofing; and concrete polishing. The team at Custom Coatings also performs a multitude of repairs and maintenance; installs wall coverings; paints indoor pipes that may currently be an eyesore; deck refinishing and restoration; and they even specialize in historical restorations.

Get in contact with Custom Coatings today to answer any specific questions you may have and receive a quote!


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