posted by Custom Coatings, Inc. on May 11th, 2023

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How to Choose the Right Commercial Painting Contractor for Your Business

Does your commercial building blend into the crowd rather than standing out? It might be easier to fix this than you think.

commercial painting contractor can put a fresh coat of paint on the exterior of your building. It’ll make it impossible to miss from now on.

The right contractor will also be able to handle a commercial painting project on the interior of your building. They can brighten it up and make it look more presentable.

Do you need help choosing a painting contractor? This guide will make it so much simpler for you.

Here are the steps you’ll need to take to find the best commercial painting contractor for your business.

Seek Options

There will be plenty of options for painting contractors when you’re in the market for one. Almost 250,000 painting businesses exist in the U.S.

To get your search off the ground, Google “commercial painting contractors near me.” It’ll provide you with a lengthy list of your best options.

Just try not to get too far ahead of yourself and reach out to the first commercial painting contractor you can find. You’ll need to put more effort into choosing a painting contractor you can trust.

Do Research

Once you have a list of local commercial painting contractors, do your homework on each one. Visit the websites of different options to see what they’re all about.

Pay close attention to how much commercial painting experience each contractor has. Skim through the different commercial painting services they have to offer as well.

By learning more about commercial painting contractors, you’ll be able to start to knock some names off your original list. You’ll also start to see which names look the most appealing to you.

Read Reviews

Many commercial painting contractors will look like great options based on their websites. But which ones are going to have positive online reviews to back it up?

Reading online reviews is a fantastic way to find out what kind of reputation a commercial painting contractor has. These reviews will reveal more about what you can expect from a contractor if you decide to hire them.

Cross off any commercial painting contractors on your list that have either no reviews or nothing but negative reviews. They aren’t going to be the best fit for your business.

Check References

Outside of reading online reviews for commercial painting contractors, you should also ask some of them to set you up with references. It’ll give you an even better overview of what these contractors can bring to the table.

You’ll get the chance to speak with other business owners who have relied on a contractor to paint their buildings. You can ask any questions and express any concerns you might have.

Be wary of any commercial painting contractors who aren’t willing to provide you with at least a few references. It may suggest they have something to hide.

Compare Prices

When you reach this point in your search for a commercial painting contractor, there should only be a few names left on your original list. It’ll be time to call around to different companies to get commercial painting project quotes.

Comparing painting costs from one contractor to the next will tell you how much you’ll have to pay each one. It’ll put you in a better position to stick to a budget when painting your commercial building.

You don’t just want to select whichever commercial painting contractor can extend the lowest possible prices. They might not do great work at all, which would explain their prices.

At the same time, you also don’t want to choose a commercial painting contractor that’s going to cost your business a small fortune. You’ll regret doing it later, especially if they don’t do as good of a job as you may have anticipated based on the price you agreed to pay them.

Test Customer Service

A commercial painting project will typically take at least a few days. This means you’re going to be interacting with a commercial painting contractor on a regular basis for a little while.

You want your interactions with a commercial painting contractor to be pleasant. But this isn’t going to be the case if you choose a contractor that doesn’t take customer service seriously.

Try putting a commercial painting contractor’s customer service to the test from the start. Make a mental note of how you’re greeted when you first touch base with them. It’ll give you a good indication of what you can expect moving forward.

Make a Decision

Once you’re done taking all the other steps listed here, you’ll be ready to choose a commercial painting contractor. Pick the one that you have the most confidence in.

Let this contractor know you’re ready to move forward and check on their availability. They should be prepared to provide you with a date as far as when they can start.

As long as you chose the right commercial painting contractor, it should be all smooth sailing from here. You’ll have a wonderful contractor in your corner who will get your project done right.

Call Us When You Need a Commercial Painting Contractor

Does your business need to bring a commercial painting contractor on board for an upcoming project? Custom Coatings Inc. can provide the commercial painting services you need.

We know choosing a painting contractor can be challenging. We would love to get the opportunity to tell you why we would be the right option for your company.

Contact us today to hear more about our services or to obtain an estimate for a project.


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